If you want to use our website or Softwere you have to signup signup first . You can not take any type of benefit without sign up . We give the best service .
After that you can go to the Dashboard and elplore the routs . You can decorate you profile page . Then if you want to create meet link for your interviewee click on setupinterview there you can see a from with tree inputs first you have to provide a name of your interview second you should provide a duration of time last seclect the location where you want take the interview then clik the create button . After clicking the cteate button you will see a link on you accibity route go there and copy that . Now you can shere the link to you likely interviewee . if they seclect the time and scheduled their interview you will get the mail with meet link.
If you are facaeing any type of problem to create interview link or another problem that you are facing then just go to the About about page and scroll down and then you will see a form. You have to fill the form to infrom us what type of problem you are facing . We give solution within 24 hours that is your commitment .